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la migration des GRUES

photos by kurt de meulemeester

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The journey south
It is early November when, on a gray rainy morning, I drive towards the French region of Champagne-Ardenne together with 2 nature photographer friends. We have a common goal in mind: to witness the migration of thousands of cranes (grus grus) to the south.

Le Lac du Der

The stopping place where you cannot miss the cranes is located at the Lac du Der in the middle of the Champagne region in France. It is an artificial lake and serves as a water basin for the River Marne. The Lac du Der is famous for its cranes. They visit the lake during bird migration and many of them also spend the winter there. In November there are between 100,000 and 200,000!
During the day, the cranes forage in the many fields in the area. Cranes are always alert. It is clear that a division of tasks is mutually agreed, there is always 1 adult specimen with an extended neck, keeping an eye on the surroundings. At the slightest danger, the entire group becomes alarmed and flies up, trumpeting loudly.
In the late afternoon we meet with many other enthusiasts near the Observatoire ornithologique de Chantecoq. The first V formations are already visible in the west on the horizon together with some rays of sunshine. The trumpet sound, alternating with the chirping sounds of the young birds, that comes to us from miles away is a magical spectacle.
Hundreds of cranes fly over our heads and land on the lake at sunset. It is the ideal time to photograph the birds in flight. But it quickly becomes dark and becomes more difficult to take sharp photos... this does offer opportunities for those who want to get creative with, for example, panning or capturing the movement of the wings.


shop prints

a2 sized digital prints, suitable for framing. each edition is limited to ten prints.